Wednesday, November 26, 2014


There are lots of examples of eye line match. This technique was created because the audience wants to see what the character on-screen is seeing. An example would be, when they show Lady Macbeth, and then you see a man who just walked into the room. Another example is when she was reading the letter, and then they show that paper.
A reaction shot is when we see a character’s response to something that viewers also see. An example of that would be when the man walks in and Lady Macbeth tries to hide the letter and only then starts the conversation with him.
There is no establishing shot, which means that the audience does not see the setting and it does not orient the viewer in space to a clear view of action. The scene does not follow the 180 rule.


Lady Macbeth is one of Shakespeare’s most manipulative, cruel and terrifying characters. The arrangements of actors and scenery create a special mood and it helps the audience understand the scene. The music in this particular scene makes her speech sound more dramatic. The melody is very mysterious.
Lady Macbeth is changing her intonation; sometimes she is whispering and sometimes the audience listens to her yelling.
Mostly it is deep focus throughout the whole movie scene; but at 0.53 we have an example of a shallow focus, because only a narrow range of the field is focused. The shallow focus prepares the audience for a turning point, or a key line that is necessary to emphasize the thematic meaning in the movie.
 Her face is highlighted throughout the whole movie scene to show all her emotions and reactions. It is also quite important to notice, her make up and her dress. She is wearing a white dress, but her dark lipstick suggests that she is not that innocent and pure. 

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

My Response to The Voice Within the Whirlwind

I know that you are fathomless and there is no explanation to your actions. You are full of wisdom and knowledge, yet I cannot understand why you are so distant, cruel and disinterested. Do you even care about my life? Am I just another person who makes you laugh and entertains you?  You did not address or answer my questions. I need guidance, help and explanation and you just brag about all your achievements. There is no doubt that it is hard to be in your position and maybe you do not have time for me with all your responsibilities. Maybe I am just not worth your time and love. Indeed, nature is cruel, but it is clearly not the reason why you make me suffer. You are the one who is responsible for the injustice in this world. Why won’t you forgive my sins? Why do you punish the innocents and not the wicked people? I still need instruction and answers.

 I am not dust, I matter. I am not afraid to tell you, that I did nothing wrong. People create their own “storm” and they have to pay for their sins. I agree with that, but you cannot punish me for all the crimes, that I did not commit. Why do I need to believe in your righteousness and be loyal, if you are not treating me right. You are playing with me just like a cat with a mouse. You give me a reason to smile and then just kill all the hope that I had. I am going to speak the truth no matter what, because I truly believe that I am an innocent human being.